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GovOS, A Kofile Company

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SeamlessDocs University 101 Quiz

How many signers can you have with a Web Form?

Correct! For multiple signers you will want to use a SeamlessDoc (Uploaded PDF)

Incorrect! Web Forms can only have 1 E-signature per form

Correct! This form type starts with a PDF and will preserve the original formatting and layout of the PDF.

Incorrect! Web Forms are started from scratch without a PDF

Correct! Both forms can be used on Mobile devices but Web Forms are designed with Mobile Friendliness at it's core

We'll give you partial credit here :) Both forms can be used on Mobile Devices but Web Forms are the most mobile responsive of the two

We'll give you partial credit here :) Both forms can be used on Mobile Devices but Web Forms are the most mobile responsive of the two

What Permission do you grant a Processor user in order to add Stages and Tags and Assign other users?

Correct! Process Submissions grants the user the ability to Change the Stages or Tags and assign other users to submissions

Incorrect! View Form only allows them to View the form in their lobby so that they can fill it out and submit it

Incorrect! Edit form only allows you to edit the form itself including adding or remove fields and signers, and managing the settings of the form.

Incorrect! You're close though! View Submissions will let them see all of the data on the form but only see it and not add stages, tags or assign other users

Who is allowed to delete submissions?

Correct! Owner Users and the Author of the form is allowed to delete submissions from the account. Note that once they are deleted there is no way to retrieve them!

We'll give you partial credit here :) the author of the form can delete submissions but Owners users can delete submissions as well. Note that once they are deleted there is no way to retrieve them!

Incorrect! Only Owner users or the author of the form can delete submissions.

Correct! The lobby is where you will be taken first always when you log-in to SeamlessDocs from the main log-in page

Incorrect! The lobby is where you will be taken first always when you log-in to SeamlessDocs from the main log-in page

Correct! When a form is archived it is not deleted and can be restored at any time with the data included. To delete the form you will want to go into the Archive folder to select the form and delete it

Incorrect! When a form is archived it can be restored at any time and is not deleted from the system. 

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